Share Your Story

Sharing Your Story (Your Journey) is one of the most effective ways to advocate for yourself and to raise awareness. Sharing your story can help those with narcolepsy & other sleep disorders feel validated while also appealing to teachers, policymakers, employers, and others in your community who have the power to improve accommodations for people with narcolepsy & other sleep related health issues (or create access to resources and appropriate funds) to meet the needs of the community and challenges we face collectively.

"Quality Sleep is a Quality of Life Issue"

Please share your story using the form below:

My Story






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1.) How has your life been impacted by narcolepsy (or other sleep related health issue)?

2.) What is one thing you'd like people to know about narcolepsy (& or other sleep related health issues) and the challenges that you've faced?

3.) Have you faced barriers to care? If so, please tell us about these barriers (e.g. geographic location, financial, family support, etc)

4.) What lessons have you learned that could potentially help others with narcolepsy (& other sleep related health issues)

5.) What is one thing you're proud of as someone who is affected by narcolepsy or (& or other sleep related health issues)?

6.) Do you have photo(s) or video(s) that illustrate your journey with Narcolepsy (& or other sleep related health issues)?

Max. file size:64MB

Videos should be under 2 minutes and in .mov or .mp4 format

My Consent (Required)

I agree to the Terms and Conditions below.

I agree that Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) may use my story and the information I have provided above in its efforts to raise awareness and educate the public regarding narcolepsy (& or other sleep related health issues).

I understand that "My Content" shall apply to any audio, video, text, images, or other material that I provide or display. By providing My Content, I grant Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) a license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, translate, and distribute it in its marketing materials and to all media. I understand that My Content must be my own and must not invade any third‐party’s rights. When I submit content or information to Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy), it means that I am allowing the public to access and use that information, and to associate it with me. Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) reserves the right to remove content at any time, without notice.

Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) takes your privacy very seriously. Subject to the Terms and Conditions above, Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) will never sell or disclose your personal information.

Parental/ Guardian Consent (Required)

I am 18 years old (or above) and agree to the terms set forth above for myself or a minor on whose behalf I am submitting.

I am under 18 years of age and am providing parental / guardian contact information below to confirm consent.

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