6.) Do you have photo(s) or video(s) that illustrate your journey with Narcolepsy (& or other sleep related health issues)?
Max. file size:64MB
I agree that Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) may use my story and the information I have provided above in its efforts to raise awareness and educate the public regarding narcolepsy (& or other sleep related health issues).
I understand that "My Content" shall apply to any audio, video, text, images, or other material that I provide or display. By providing My Content, I grant Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) a license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, translate, and distribute it in its marketing materials and to all media. I understand that My Content must be my own and must not invade any third‐party’s rights. When I submit content or information to Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy), it means that I am allowing the public to access and use that information, and to associate it with me. Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) reserves the right to remove content at any time, without notice.
Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) takes your privacy very seriously. Subject to the Terms and Conditions above, Suddenly Sleepy 501c3 (Suddenly Sleepy) will never sell or disclose your personal information.